• Составьте предложения на ( - (отрицание), ?, Where, What, Who) 1) They dance every day. 2)They are dancing now. 1) We

Ответы 1

  • 1) They dance every day. They don\'t dance every day. Where do they dance every day? What do they do every day? Who dances every day? 2) They are dancing now. They are not dancing now. Where are they dancing now? What are they doing now? Who is dancing now? 3) We watch parades every spring. We don\'t watch parades every spring. Where do we watch parades every spring? What do we watch every spring? Who watches parades every spring? 4) We are watching parades now. We are not watching parades now. Where are we watching parades now? What are we watching now? Who is watching parades now? 

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