American teenagers are responsible for the process of education.They like to learn.They are actively involved in the life of colleges, schools and universities.American teenagers are not fixated on their appearance.They are not complex about excess weight or other drawbacks.Dress in comfortable and comfortable clothes, hair collected in a bun or tail.Boys wear shorts to the knee, long socks and t-shirts.Therefore, there are no complexes about the social status, the cost of clothing or belonging to any brand. English young people like to play sports, to walk with friends, to spend time in the fresh air.Starting from the age of 13, a teenager has the legal right to independently obtain funds for pocket expenses, having received permission from the school and parents.Most of them are studying to pass on the right and be able to drive a car.In their free time, teenagers from foreign countries like to spend time with family,friends,play Board games,or sit down to watch a movie.Like American teenagers,I like to spend time with my family,arrange interesting meetings,play sports.Young people tend to learn information faster by using digital technologies rather than focusing on voluminous book material. Thus, young people in America have quite a variety of Hobbies that help them develop and have fun spending their leisure time.