Другие предметыАвтор:
daxwqf4Образуйте от имен существительных прилагательные,, расположите их в алфавитном порядке. Поставьте в словах ударения.
Земля, трава, кость, ремесло, обед, топор, слюда,, кожа, полотно, торжество, правительство, единство, государство, отечество,, огонь, глина, солома, тыква, клюква, береста, вода, жесть, лед, лен, песок,, дерево, рожь, серебро, шерсть, маневры
Русский языкАвтор:
Тест: "Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке"
1)Fill in the gaps with be going to, will, the present continuous, the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Next year we _______________ (travel) together around Europe.
2. The athletes soon _________ (return) from the competition.
3. His parents think Jim __________ (become) a doctor one day.
4. They have bought new sports shoes. They ___________ (start) running next week.
5. The concert ____________ (start) at 7.30 in the evening.
6. It’s getting dark. I ___________ (turn) on the light.
7. They __________ (be) eighteen next month.
8. My parents ………………… (travel) to Spain tomorrow. Here are their tickets.
9. They …………………… (have) a boat trip later today.
10. The train from Moscow _______________ (arrive) at 11.30.
2) Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. What are you going to doing in summer?
2. Jane shall travel to Italy.
3. Ted and Bob is going to go camping.
4. My grandparents will visit Scotland.
5. Our teacher will swim in the sea yesterday.
6. She are having a party next week.
7. The plane am going to arrive half an hour later.
8. My friend are having a meeting at 10 o’clock next Monday.
9. Kate will helped her mother to cook a dinner the day after tomorrow.
10. I promise I am phoning my granny.
Английский языкАвтор:
На плоскости дана точка Р.
Какое наименьшее количество прямых, не проходящих через точку Р, можна выбрать на плоскости так,
чтобы любой пуч с началом в точке Р пересекал хотя бы 170 выбранных прямых?