Задание 26
для последовательного соединения R=R1+R2+R3...
для параллельного =+++... для двух параллельных можно R=
а) R==1/2=0.5 Ом
б) 1/R=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3=3/R → R=1/3=0.3(3) Ом
в)R=0.5+R=1.5 Ом
г) 1/R=1/2+1/1=1/2+2/2=3/2 → R=2/3=0.6(6)
l) R=3*1/3+1=3/4=0.75 Ом
Fedoseewa27Добавить свой ответ
Put the verb to be into the correct form in the Present Simple Passive. (Поставь глагол to be в правильную форму в настоящем простом времени в страдательном залоге. )
0. Duckbills are kept as pets.
1 I _ taught to be smart.
2 English …spoken in Australia.
3 He _ invited to the party.
4 Interesting films … watched on the plane.
5 English … spoken all over the world.
6 England … situated in the British Isles.
7 People …puzzled by so many names of this country.
8 The warmth of an Irish welcome… best summed up by the proverb
"A stranger is a friend you have yet to meet".
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