Страны ОПЕК - АлжирPetroleum, crude oil and natural gas, manufactures Страны ОПЕК - ИндонезияPetroleum, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver Страны ОПЕК - ИранPetroleum, natural gas, carpets, iron and steel Страны ОПЕК - ИракCrude petroleum, oil commodities Страны ОПЕК - КувейтPetroleum, petroleum products, oil commodities Страны ОПЕК - ЛивияMineral fuels, crude oil Страны ОПЕК - НигерияCrude oil, petroleum products, oil commodities, heating oil Страны ОПЕК - КатарCrude oil, petroleum products, heating oil, oil commodities Страны ОПЕК - Саудовская АравияCrude oil and refined petroleum, oil commodities Страны ОПЕК - ОАЭCrude oil and refined petroleum, oil commodities Страны ОПЕК - ВенесуэлаMineral products (mainly petroleum and iron ore), petrochemicalsОрганиза́ция стран — экспортёров не́фти