в прямоугольной системе координат даны векторы а{3;-2} и в{1;-2}. Найдите координаты вектора с=5а-9в и его длину.
с = 5a - 9b = {5 * 3 - 9 * 1; 5 * -2 - 9 * -2} = {6; 8}
Длина равна корню из (6^2 + 8^2) = 10
estebanv5itc=5a-9b=5*{3;-2}-9*{1;-2}={5*3;5*(-2)}-{9*1;9*(-2)}={15;-10}-{9;-18}={15-9; -10-(-18)}={6;8}
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I can remember being in a gallery once and realising I was standing on an Andre sculpture. After the shock, the piece began to assert its power — the sheer simplicity of it, the humility of the materials, the silence of it. It had the effect of undermining a lot of what was around it. “Art is not a form of communication, said Andre many years ago, and he stands by it now. “A great work of art is about new experiences... it changes your state.” He feels that good art only conveys something that cannot be conveyed in any other way, just as a great poem cannot be paraphrased. In his own work, he aspires to make the visual equivalent of silence.
The decibel level around us continues to rise, both literally and in terms of all our senses being assaulted. In galleries, the tide of text and educational explanation continues to lap at the sandcastle of the art itself. The work of Carl Andre stands in opposition to this tendency.
He speaks of order and calm in connection with his sculpture. When his work is going well, Andre feels that “thought and act become one, and that’s a great state to reach.”
Английский языкАвтор:
Нужен синтаксический разбор предложения и словосочетаний из этого же предложения.
При самом начале кампании армии наши разрезаны, и единственная цель, к которой мыстремимся, состоит в том, чтобы соединить их, хотя для того, чтобы отступать и завлекать неприятеля в глубь страны, в соединении армий не представляется выгод.
Русский языкАвтор: