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1) HNO3(разб), 2) H2SO4(разб) 3) HNO3(конц) 4) NaOH(разб)
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1. The dwarfs told Snow White that she could live in our house
2. He said he didnt hear anythink about that place before
3. Cinderella's stepsister said their mother that they wanted to have new clothes
4 There was an armchair in the room. There was very comfortable
5. The prince asked the girl dont be afraid.
6. The girl asked the bear where will he go
7. Snow White said that she will never forgot them.
8 Cinderella said that she could not wear there old clothes
9 I saw him few minutes ago
10 The fairy asked the girl was the dress beautiful
Английский языкАвтор:
В прямоугольном треугольнике один катет равен 7, а другой на 2 больше. Найдите площадь треугольника.
Русский языкАвтор: