плотность газа по водороду 8,5.Определите молекулярную формулу этого газа,если массовая доля азота в нем составляет 82,35%,водорода- 17,65% .
Ответ: NH3
shawnhoffmanДобавить свой ответ
1. Моторная лодка за одно и то же время мо-
жет проплыть 36 км против течения реки и
48 км по течению. Найди собственную скорость
лодки, если скорость течения реки 3 км/ч.
2.Хозяин овощной лавки купил на оптовом рынке 100 кг помидор и заплатил 4000 ру- блей. В конце дня оказалось, что 10% помидоров испортилось, и их не смогли продать. Осталь- ные помидоры продали по цене 50 р. за кило- грамм. Какую прибыль получил хозяин?
помогите пожалуйста поставить глаголы в скобках в правильное время: Present Perfect or Past Simple
1. I (shout) at them and they (run) away.
2. What's the best film you ever (see)!
3. Simon is not at home. He (go) to a football match.
4. It was such a wonderful performance that we (applaud) for fifteen minutes.
5. Why do you look so sad? Anything (happen)!
6. Jaime lives in Venezuela; he never (see) snow.
7. I (not/wake) at 7 o'clock yesterday, because my mother (not/be) at home.
8. Anyone (see) my dictionary? I can't find it.
9. A lot of rain (fall) last week.
10. When I (get) home late yesterday evening my dad (be)
very angry.
11. I (know) Helen for 10 years. We (study) at university together. She was one of the best students.
12. Alexander Fleming (invent) penicillin in 1928.
13. The house they (buy) looks much larger than ours.
14. I (order) a taxi to take me to the airport. So we'll be on time.
15. You (cut) your finger! How it (happen)!
16. Peter (not/eat) all the bread and butter, he (leave) some on the plate.
17. He (be) interested in jazz ever since he (leave) school.
18. We (have) a lovely time in Wales. - So you (enjoy) your holiday, didn't you?
19. I (use) to like swimming but I don't now.
20. I never (see) so many beautiful girls as here at the party.
21. My elder brother (have) a car for two years already. He (buy) it in France.
22. Jane (recover) yet? - No, she is still in hospital.
23. My watch (stop). I must take it to the watchmaker's.
24. Shakespeare (be) born in 1564 and (die) in 1616.
25. We (run) out of sugar. Can you go and get some from the shop?
26. My brother is an actor. He already (appear) in several films.
27. What your father (give) you for your last birthday?
28. You (see) Tom? - Yes, I (to talk) with him an hour ago.
29. Are you the boy whose dog (make) a terrible noise at night? - I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, sir. I never (own) a dog.
30. What (happen) there? - The dog (bite) the boy when he entered the garden.
Английский языкАвтор:
Cменить прямой порядок на обратный в предложениях:
1. Ich bin bald da.
2. Du kommst bald.
3. Wir lernen hier Deutsch.
4. Ihr seid bald gesund.
5. Er spielt dort.
6. Sie lieben das.
7. Du lernst da.
8. Er ist bald hier.
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