1. "Школьное" решение// PascalABC.NET 3.0, сборка 1073const sb='bcdfgjklmnpqrstvwxz'; s='Computer programming is a process of computer programs creation';var i,n:integer; s1,sn,t:string;begin i:=1; while s[i]<>' ' do Inc(i); s1:=Copy(s,1,i-1); n:=Length(s); i:=n; while s[i]<>' ' do Dec(i); sn:=Copy(s,i+1,n-i); t:=''; for i:=1 to Length(s1) do if Pos(s1[i],sb)>0 then t:=t+s1[i]; s1:=t; t:=''; for i:=1 to Length(sn) do if Pos(sn[i],sb)>0 then t:=t+sn[i]; sn:=t; t:=''; for i:=1 to Length(s1) do if Pos(s1[i],sn)>0 then if Pos(s1[i],t)=0 then t:=t+s1[i]; for i:=1 to Length(t) do Write(t[i],' '); Writelnend.
Тестовый прогон:t r
2. "Нормальное" решение// PascalABC.NET 3.0, сборка 1073const sb='bcdfgjklmnpqrstvwxz'; s='Computer programming is a process of computer programs creation';begin var a:=s.ToWords(' '); a[0].Intersect(a[a.Length-1]).Where(x->Pos(x,sb)>0).Println(',')end.
Тестовый прогон:t,r