анонимИзображение с разрешением 1024х512 содержит в себе 524288 точек.
256 килобайт = 262144 байта = 2097152 бита.
Чтобы найти, сколько памяти занимает одна точка, необходимо разделить количество отведённой памяти на общее количество точек:
2097152 / 524288 = 4.
Из уравнения x = 2^n, (где x - количество цветов, n - размер одной точки) получаем, что 4 бита занимает 16-цветная точка.
kaitlin30Добавить свой ответ
Look at the picture of the great English artist William Hogarth “Marriage à la Mode”. Complete the description with the correct form of the verb. Use only FULL forms. (IS NOT/AM NOT/ARE NOT)
"Marriage Contract" is the first episode of the series by William Hogarth, which shows the signing of a marriage contract. As you can see, the man and the woman, the bride and groom, 1(not speak) Ответ
with each other: the man 2(to look) Ответ
in the mirror, and the woman 3(to flirt) Ответ
with another young man, the lawyer Silvertongue. The fathers 4(discuss) Ответ
the marriage contract. The groom's father, Count Squander, 5(to hold) Ответ
a picture with his family tree, and the bride's father 6(to read) Ответ
the contract. The fathers are more interested in themselves than in the marriage of their children. With this marriage, the groom's family wants to avoid bankruptcy. The bride's family hopes to buy themselves a high status in society. The lord's architect 7(to stand) Ответ
near the window. He 8(to look) Ответ
at the construction of Squander's palace. Two dogs that symbolize the young couple 9(to sit) Ответ
in the corner.
Английский языкАвтор:
raslina qasanovaОтветов:
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