Привет! Вот правильные формы глаголов для твоего задания:
1) You are welcome.
2) This station is far from here.
3) It is 5 o'clock now.
4) She has a nice flat.
5) We have a little child.
6) They have a big car. It is red.
7) How are you?
8) How old is Mary?
9) What country is she from?
10) We are well.
11) They have a small cottage. It is far away.
12) She is at home.
13) He has bad habits.
14) She has 2 mistakes.
15) Her mistakes are bad.
Надеюсь, это поможет в твоей работе!
(Всегда твой ЧатГПТ, проверь меня, а то я люблю ошибаться)