какое время изображено в рассказе " Конь с розовой гривой " ?
как главный герой характеризует " пряник конём" ?
нравственные вопросы рассказа " конь с розовой гривой"
словарик диалктных слов из рассказа "конь с розовой гривой"
пожалуйста помогите!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
justicecyhgВ рассказе ,,Конь с розовой гривой,, изображено тяжелое послевоенное время. Пряник в форме коня- олицетворяет мечту голодного мальчишки. Нравственные вопросы рассказа заключаются в том , что хороший, добрый мальчишка, поддавшись на хитрость соседских пацанов, заврался. Он обманул самого близкого ему человека- свою бабушку, набрав в корзинку травы и лишь сверху прикрыл ее земляникой. Главного героя терзает совесть, он мучается от своего вранья, переживает и не спит полночи. Бабушка не смотря, на то, что ее любимый внук ее обманул, отругав его, все же дает пряник своему внуку. Тем самым она подчеркивает то , что продолжает ему доверять, ведь ее родной мальчишка- честный и добрый человечек. Главный герой рассказа этот пряник запоминает на всю жизнь, ведь в этот день он получил настоящий урок добра. Добро- это поступок , заключающий в себе милосердие, понимание и справедливость.
parker36Очень трудное время, конец 30-х, кажется, надо поточнее посмотреть в тексте. Голодное время, трудно живут все герои повести, но особенно трудно герою, которого растят дед с бабушкой, он сирота, недаром ег тек влечёт дом Левонтия, где всё-таки и отец. и мать...
Пряник - предел мечтаний, недостижимая мечта в ег глодной жизни...
Потрясабщая немногословность "говорливой" бабушки, которая, несмотря на ужасный поступок внука, на унижение, позор, который она пережила, когда открылся его обман, -.всё же покупает ему этот пряник - вопреки логике, потому что не логика и спаведливость руководит ею, а любовь...
В этом нравственный урок повести...
Ну, а диалектные слова выпиши сама!
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площадь параллелограмма ABCD равна 6 найдите площадь параллелограмма А,В,С,D, вершинами которого являются середины сторон данного параллелограмма
в 21 ч со станции отправился поезд со скоростью 72 км ч.В3 часа ночи он сделал остановку.Сколько километров прошёл поезд до этой остановки?
Необходимо написать аннотацию(основной смысл) текстов (до 12 предложений) - возможны ошибки (текст распознан с pdf)
1) Move over game boys
Lynn Robson is a co-founder of Frognation. The company creates soundtracks and designs and translates Japanese video games for the UK market. With her partners in Tokyo and her international team of designers and developers, Lynn creates the video games that thousands are playing today.
Lynn runs the UK office of Frognation, while her two business partners run the Tokyo office. Her Japanese computer system, and, of course, email make it possible to work across borders and time zones.
Frognation represents producers with great game ideas and helps them to sell their ideas to Sony or Nintendo in Tokyo. Once the games go into development, Lynn and her team provide advice on everything from the music soundtrack and graphics to the game programming and characters. The result is a new kind of video game, created by artists, which provides exciting game play.
Cultural understanding is important. When she is in meetings in Japan, Lynn gives advice on what will work in both countries. In the West, Lynn becomes the Japan expert, giving clients information about Japanese culture. When her Japanese partners come to meetings in the UK, Lynn helps them to present their ideas in the best way, and tries to avoid any cultural misunderstandings.
Video game sales are sky-rocketing at the moment. There are thousands of opportunities to build careers in the video game industry, hut women don't often consider gaming as a carecr.
Today most video games are created by men, and for men. So it is no surprise that almost all video games are either sports games or shoot-em-ups.
With more women like Lynn joining the video game industry, however, things could change.
2) No hiding place
The protection of privacy will be a huge problem for the internet society
A cookie is a small file that a . company can send to your computer when you visit the company's website- It tells them a lot about vour browsing habits. Using the web without them is nearly impossible. Doubleclick, an advertising company, has agreements with ovei ЩХЮ websites and maintains cookies on Ю0 million users to get information about them for marketing.
Offline, the story is the same. When you turn on a mobile phone, the phone company can mon:tor calls and also record the location of the phone. We use more and more electronic systems for tickets, and for access to buildings. It is becoming common for employers to monitor employees' telephone calls, voicemail, email and computer use.
The use of video surveillance cameras is also growing. Britain has about 1.5 million cameras in public places (for example, airpoits, shopping malls and public buildings). The average Briton is recorded by CCTV cameras "500 times a day. With digital cameras we can collect, store and analyse millions of images.
And this is only the beginning. Engineers are now developing cameras that can "see" through clothing, walls or cars. Satellites can recognise obiects only one metre across. We can attach tracking chips to products or people.
New technology offers substantial benefits т more security against terrorists and criminals, higher productivity at work, a wider selection of products, more convenience. We are ready to give more personal information because we want the benefits.
But all this momtoring generates a mountain of data about us. Surveillance is everywhere in our society, ofien without our knowledge. Most ptuple hate the idea but they don't know how to stop it.
3) Office workers admit being rude
MOST office workers say they are rude or bad-mannered at work. Two out of three workers regularly arrive ate for meetings, most ignore emails and three out of four use bad anguage. In a survey of 1,000 workers, two-thirds say tna* eressure of work is the reason for tneir baa manners.
Other common examples of bao office etiquette include ignoring colleagues and answering mobiie phone calls during meetings. Using mobile phones in meetings is mpolite and distracts otners, esearch by the University of Surrey shows. If you respond to a call when -c.e^king to someoody, it means that : core call is more important r the person, the survey said. If r<: Uswed a call ouring a meeting, г coj d mean that you think the —: ">g is not important.
Jacobs, managing director of O^.ce Angels, a recruitment firm, says it is easy for peopie to forget their manners in the wcking environment, which is often very informal and very busy Workers can forget pioper et:quette such as
introducing people at meetings, and this is often Dad for workirg relationships.
Psycnologist Dr Coiin Gill beiieves that peopie afe not as polite as they were twenty years ago. He said: 'Courtesy is no longer somethirg that is so much respected in our society/ People think it is 'stuffy to oe polite or formal.'
Now some organisations a-e actually investing money in training their junior managers to be oolite. Office Angels is encouraging people to arrive on time 'or meetings, turn of* mobiie phones and avoid baa language. 'Avoiding baa manners at work is such a simple thing to do,' IVi JacoDS says, 'and it can have a dramatic impact on improving your working environment ana your relationships with others.'
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