• Анализ стихотворения Гафура Гуляма "Разбудите Олмос!" даю 50 быллов)

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Ответы 2

  • Ответ:

    Here's the truth behind the viral 'Party Makeup by Nikki' YouTube video.

    As you know, the internet loves all things creepy and disturbing (see: Megan Is Missing…) but there's a new video that has been circulating lately and it's pretty terrifying.

    Party Makeup by Nikki is a seemingly harmless makeup tutorial at first but it soon becomes increasingly disturbing. In the clip, a woman named Nikki takes us through her makeup routine. So far, pretty tame. However, a little bit into the tutorial, the left side of the screen changes to what looks like CCTV footage of darkness and Nikki immediately starts staring directly into the camera before sinister music cuts in.

    Nikki then starts banging her head against the table and blood splatters everywhere. After the episode, she sits in her chair dead still with a swollen face and one eye twitching, while blood pours down her face.Here's the truth behind the viral 'Party Makeup by Nikki' YouTube video.

    As you know, the internet loves all things creepy and disturbing (see: Megan Is Missing…) but there's a new video that has been circulating lately and it's pretty terrifying.

    Party Makeup by Nikki is a seemingly harmless makeup tutorial at first but it soon becomes increasingly disturbing. In the clip, a woman named Nikki takes us through her makeup routine. So far, pretty tame. However, a little bit into the tutorial, the left side of the screen changes to what looks like CCTV footage of darkness and Nikki immediately starts staring directly into the camera before sinister music cuts in.

    Nikki then starts banging her head against the table and blood splatters everywhere. After the episode, she sits in her chair dead still with a swollen face and one eye twitching, while blood pours down her face.Ізотермічний процес – процес зміни стану термодинамічної системи при сталій температурі: T = constІзотермічний процес – процес зміни стану термодинамічної системи при сталій температурі: T = constHere's the truth behind the viral 'Party Makeup by Nikki' YouTube video.

    As you know, the internet loves all things creepy and disturbing (see: Megan Is Missing…) but there's a new video that has been circulating lately and it's pretty terrifying.

    Party Makeup by Nikki is a seemingly harmless makeup tutorial at first but it soon becomes increasingly disturbing. In the clip, a woman named Nikki takes us through her makeup routine. So far, pretty tame. However, a little bit into the tutorial, the left side of the screen changes to what looks like CCTV footage of darkness and Nikki immediately starts staring directly into the camera before sinister music cuts in.

    Nikki then starts banging her head against the table and blood splatters everywhere. After the episode, she sits in her chair dead still with a swollen face and one eye twitching, while blood pours down her face.


  • Відповідь:

    Тип стихотворения: лирическое.

    Тема: описание забытого веками дерева Олмоса, которое проспало в дремучем лесу.

    Основные образы: Олмос, дремучий лес, изъезженный путь, заросшие тропы.

    Стих: четверостишие.

    Рифма: перекрестная.

    Метрика: ямбическая пентаметра (десятистопный ямб).

    Синтаксис: стихотворение состоит из одного предложения, которое делится на 4 строки. В стихотворении использованы сложноподчиненные предложения. Вторая и третья строки начинаются со слов-союзов "давно" и "так что", которые связывают предложения между собой.

    Язык: литературный, образный, метафоричный. Автор использует образ дерева Олмоса, чтобы показать, как быстро забываются вещи и люди со временем.

    Использование повторов ("Олмос") и восклицательных знаков создает эмоциональный настрой стихотворения и подчеркивает его тему - желание пробудить забытое и утерянное.


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