6.в каком произведение русской литературы действие происходит в местечке Княжье-Вено?кто его автор?
sserg2720106.в каком произведение русской литературы действие происходит в местечке Княжье-Вено?кто его автор?
sserg272010это произведение Короленко "В дурном обществе" или (другое название этого произведения) "Дети подземелья"
feaynika8Добавить свой ответ
Task 4. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct them.
1. Her name is Anna. She is doctor.
2. She has the flat in the London.
3. I go to the work by car.
4. We have the dinner at eight o’clock in the evening.
5. John always stays in bed late on Sunday mornings.
6. The English is easy.
7. The students in this class aren’t lazy: they work hard.
8. Please, have a lunch with us!
9. What time do you go to the school?
10. Can I have an cheese sandwich, please?
11. What do you do in the evenings?
12. Have you finished reading a book I lent you?
13. The Ganges is a river which runs through India.
14. I would love to meet John in person.
15. She went to France by a train.
16. Jack's mother is in the France on holiday.
17. Could you show me the way to Victoria Park, please?
18. I can meet you outside Hilton Hotel tonight at nine o'clock.
19. Where is the Kalahari Desert?
20. He is reading a book about the World War I.
21. Have you ever seen a Great Wall of China?
22. Let's meet in Macey’s Restaurant.
23. He buys the Observer every morning.
24. They drove to the north of the England.
25. Can you please tell me a way to a nearest hospital?
26. People from United Kingdom are not only people who speak the English language.
27. Where are a boys?
28. They're playing football on the beach.
29. I never drive to office. I always go on foot.
30. Which city in England is Tower Bridge located in?
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