за контрольную работу в классе было получено 5 пятерок,10 четверок,7 троек и 4 двойки найти процент успеваемости в классе
halfmastepnm1)5+10+7+4=26(отметок) мы узнали сколько всего 100%
2)примим что успеваемость это отметки(5,4)
значит-5+10=15(отметки)вся успеваемость
3)26:15=1,733333333(процентов) успиваемости
Ответ:процент успеваемости в классе 1,733333333%.
santosДобавить свой ответ
Приведите примеры психологического портрета и пейзажа(характер, состояние)-в рассказе Тургенева "Ася".
Переведите на русский)))
When people staying in a hotel are hungry or just want to relax and have good time listening to music and having a drink, they go to a restaurant or a bar. There is usually a wide choice of beverages there to please everyone. A barman or a wine waiter offers the wine list where the guests can find any drink they ike. For those who don't drink alcohol there are soft (or long) drinks such as juice, lemonade, Coke, mineral water — still or 55 fizzy. Beer is very popular and it can be served bottled, draught or canned. For people who want something stronger there is a great variety of alcoholic (or short) drinks. For example, spirits: rum, vodka, whisky, brandy, cognac. Then come fortified wines: liqueur, port, sherry, vermouth; and table wines dry or sweet, white, red or rose. Guests can also order a cup of tea; coffee, black or white, hot chocolate.
И диалог))
Head Waiter: Good evening, madam. Do you have a
Guest: No, I don't but I'd like a table for one, please.
HW: Smoking or non-smoking?
G: Non-smoking, please, and not too close to the band if
possible. I don't like loud music.
HW: This way, please, madam. I'll show you to your table.
Your waiter will be with you in just one moment.
G: Thank you.
2) Wine Waiter: Good evening, madam, my name is Bob. I'm
your waiter for today. Would you like a drink while you are
looking at the menu?
G: Yes, please. Could I see the wine list? 56
WW: Certainly, madam, here you are.
G: Could I have the California Blush?
WW: Yes, madam. A glass or half a carafe?
G: Just a glass, please.
WW: Right away, madam.
G: Oh, and could I also have a glass of mineral water?
WW: Sure. Still or fizzy?
G: I'd like still, please.
WW: Shall I put lemon in it?
G: It would be fine! Thank you.
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