Можно, например, так: 11 10 4 5 9 6 8 3 7Всего есть 72 решения данной задачи.uses math;var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i: integer;var matrix: array [1..9] of integer;var counter: integer;procedure check_matrix();label repeated;var i:integer;var storage: array [1..9] of integer;begin for i := 1 to 9 do begin storage[i] := 0; end; for i := 1 to 9 do begin if storage[matrix[i] - 2] <> 0 then begin goto repeated; end; storage[matrix[i] - 2] := 1; end; if (matrix[2] * matrix[3] = matrix[4] * matrix[7]) and (matrix[4] * matrix[6] = matrix[2] * matrix[8]) and (matrix[7] * matrix[8] = matrix[3] * matrix[6]) then begin writeln('', matrix[1]:3, '', matrix[2]:3, '', matrix[3]:3); writeln('', matrix[4]:3, '', matrix[5]:3, '', matrix[6]:3); writeln('', matrix[7]:3, '', matrix[8]:3, '', matrix[9]:3); writeln(); counter := counter + 1; end; repeated:;end;begincounter := 0;for a:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[1] := a + 2;for b:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[2] := b + 2;for c:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[3] := c + 2;for d:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[4] := d + 2;for e:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[5] := e + 2;for f:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[6] := f + 2;for g:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[7] := g + 2;for h:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[8] := h + 2;for i:=1 to 9 do beginmatrix[9] := i + 2;check_matrix();end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end;writeln('total: ', counter);end.