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Любимое занятие Луки —
— наблюдать за кузнечиками. Сегодня утром, прогуливаясь по парку, он обнаружил кузнечика, который прыгал по окружности длиной n
n метров. Лука заметил, что за один прыжок кузнечик может переместиться по часовой стрелке на k
k или k+1
k+1 метров от своей текущей позиции на окружности. Мальчику стало интересно, какое минимальное количество прыжков потребуется кузнечику, чтобы, начав прыгать из некоторой точки окружности, снова оказаться в ней.
переведите из активного в пассивный пожалуйста
1. Nick asked for our phone number.
2. Children did not listen to the girl.
З. Nina looks after the patients well.
4. They have built а huge plant in Novgorod.
5. Мy father looked through these papers this moming.
6. Не will teach ту brother English.
7. Мy friend has shown те ап interesting a1ticle about dolphins.
8. His friend told him this st01y.
9. The students greeted the famous lecturer wannly.
10. They looked for the girl everywh
11. We must fmish the work by 5 0'clock.
12. AVhen I fell ill, ту mother sent for the doctor.
13. We showed Веn the nearest way to the theatre.
14. Не gave his students some good advice.
15. The people looked at the singer with interest.
16. Аnnа has told те the news.
Английский языкАвтор:
переведите пожалуйста из активного в пассивный залог
1. Nick asked for our phone number.
2. Children did not listen to the girl.
З. Nina looks after the patients well.
4. They have built а huge plant in Novgorod.
5. Мy father looked through these papers this moming.
6. Не will teach ту brother English.
7. Мy friend has shown те ап interesting article about dolphins.
8. His friend told him this story.
9. The students greeted the famous lecturer wannly.
10. They looked for the girl everywh
11. We must fmish the work by 5 0'clock.
12. AVhen I fell ill, ту mother sent for the doctor.
13. We showed Веn the nearest way to the theatre.
14. Не gave his students some good advice.
15. The people looked at the singer with interest.
16. Аnnа has told те the news.
Английский языкАвтор: