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Shopping Hours in Britain
Shopping hours in Britain are changing. Until a few years ago, shops were opened at nine o’clock in the morning and closed at half past five or six o’clock in the evening. Some also were closed for an hour for lunch. In many towns, shops were closed on Wednesday afternoons. On Sundays, nothing was open. But now some shops are opened for longer hours. Some big shops and many supermarkets never close! If you need a litre of milk or some bread at midnight, you can easily buy it.
For people who work long hours or people who often work at night or early in the morning, like doctors, the new shopping hours are good. If someone finishes work at five o'clock in the morning, they can go to the supermarket on their way home and buy some breakfast or a newspaper or anything else they may need.
But not everyone thinks the new shopping hours are a good thing. Some people say that Sunday is a holiday – who wants to work in a supermarket on a Sunday? But shops are very busy at the weekend and longer shopping hours are here to stay.
Until a few years ago, shops were opened at ten o’clock.
1. True 2. False
In the past, some shops were closed at lunchtime.
1. True 2. False
A few years ago, shops were also closed on Saturday afternoons.
1. True 2. False
Some big shops and many supermarkets never close!
1. True 2. False
Today, all shops are opened for longer hours.
1. True 2. False
It’s easy to buy food in the middle of the night.
1. True 2. False
The new shopping hours are good for doctors.
1. True 2. False
It’s impossible to buy a newspaper at five o'clock in the morning.
1. True 2. False
Everyone likes longer shopping hours.
1. True 2. False
Sunday shopping hours are here to stay.
1. True 2. False
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