Марио Дель Монако - партия Хозе из оперы Жоржа Бизе \"Кармен\".Лучано Паваротти - партия Радамеса из оперы Джузеппе Верди \"Аида\".Пласидо Доминго - партия Дона Видаля из сарсуэлы Федерико Морено Торроба \"Луиза Фернанда\".Хосе Каррерас - партия Слая из оперы Эрманно Вольфа-Феррари \"Слай\".Галина Павловна Вишневская - партия Лиу из оперы Джакомо Пуччини \"Турандот\".Тито Гобби - партия Данкайро из оперы Жоржа Бизе \"Кармен\".Мария Калласс - партия Джоконды из оперы Амилькаре Понкьелли \"Джоконда\".Ирина Константиновна Архипова - партия Кармен из оперы Жоржа Бизе \"Кармен\".Монсеррат Кабалье - партия Маргариты из оперы Шарля Гуно «Фауст».Анна Юрьевна Нетребко - партия Людмилы из оперы Михаила Глинки \"Руслан и Людмила\".
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The 14th of April, 1865, was a tragic day in the history of the United States. For on the evening of that day, President Lincoln went to Ford’s Theatre in Washington to see a play which was popular at the time – and never returned.
The theatre party for that evening had been planned by Mrs. Lincoln. The President usually enjoyed going to the theatre and went very often – but this evening he had no wish to go. He had felt very tired all day and looked upset. He finally decided to go, however, because it had been announced in the newspapers that the President would be present at Ford’s Theatre.
The President and his party arrived at the theatre when the play had already begun. When he appeared in the box, the audience greeted him with a storm of applause and the performance was interrupted for a moment. Then the play went on, and the President enjoyed it. He didn’t know that his life was in danger.
At about ten o’clock an actor named John Booth came into the theatre and walked directly towards Lincoln’s box. He noiselessly opened the door, and approaching the President so that his gun was only a short distance from his head, calmly took aim and fired. The President fell forward in his chair. Booth immediately jumped from the box to the stage.
The audience saw him to do this, but they thought that it was all part of the play, when suddenly they heard a woman’s voice cry out:
“The President has been killed.” It was Mrs. Lincoln. Immediately a young doctor from the audience hurried to the President’s box. After he had examined Lincoln, he said that the President had only a few hours to live.
Lincoln was lifted from his chair and carried to a house opposite the theatre, where he remained until his death the next morning. When he died, one of the people in the room at the said: “Now he belongs to the ages.”
These words have since become famous.
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