помогите придумать 4 сложных предложений с союзом а. Высокий берег, узкий проход, скупой человек, доброе слово, жесткая подушка, легкомысленный поступок, редкие заросли
Русский языкАвтор:
luzbrowningНа левом берегу реки высокий берег с множеством норок-домиков стрижей, а правый берег низкий и пологий, заросший камышом и рогозом.
Сначала вход в пещеру широкий, но чем дальше проходишь вглубь, тем сложнее-проход узкий и низкий.
Скупой человек не подаст милостыни нищему, а щедрый человек способен привести бездомного домой, накормить и помочь устроить жизнь.
У берега заросли осоки густые, тяжело сквозь них пробираться. почти к середине пруда заросли редкие, и можно подплыть на лодке.
tommycainДобавить свой ответ
* В начале года или месяца со счета снимается указанная сумма в уплату за ведение счета
** В конце года вклад увеличивается на указанное количество процентов.
Срочно помогите пожалуйста перевести текст и вставить пропущенные предложения.
MY school, which is private, has about 650 girls of different age. It is on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in Ne York City. I love my school! There are so many cultural and educational opportunities for us. the Metropolitan Museum of Art for example, is five blocks away.(1)_____ In my school There are a lot of facilities for sport. I took part in almost all activities and sports, including softball and volleyball. (2)_____ My school also does an excellent job preparing us for college. Our teachers help us to develop our skills and succeed in life. (3)___ ? I hope to enter a university in Pennsylvania this coming fall. The only negative thing i can think of about my school is the fact that my school is far from home . (4)_____. It takes me 45 minutes each way. What types of school are there in your country? what school do you study at? What do you like about your school most of all? What don't you like? What are your plans for the future? How does your school help you to prepare for the future?
Варианты ответов:
A . In fact , we were the New York State Champions in volleyball this year.
B. The sport clubs , laboratories and libraries are open every day.
C. We are not afraid of the future.
D. We often go there to actually experience things we have studied in class
E. I live in the Bronx, and I take the subway and a bus to get to my school in Manhattan
№2 Choose the sentences that they used to support their ideas. More than one sentence can be chosen.
1. I go to a secondary school which is rather big.
A. It is in the centre of the city.
B. There are more than 1500 pupils in my school.
C. We study different subjects there.
2. There are Different types of schools in Australia.
A. Children must attend school between the ages 6 and 16.
B. Most of schools are government or state schools.
C. There are also independent schools in Australia, some of them are boarding schools.
3.All schools in my country follow the same curriculum.
A. That means that children at all schools study the same subjects.
B. That means that all of us must attend school.
C. That's why all of us study the same things.
4.the system of education provides various opportunities for teens.
A. We can choose where to study at secondary school, luceum or gymnasium.
B. Children can atted vocational school, technical college or institute.
C. You can start with a kindergarten or preparatory class in your school.
5. We have different tests and examinations at school.
B. There are state exams at the end of Year 11.
C. At the end of Year 9 we take 2 compulsory exams in Russian and Maths.
6. I really like my school.
A. The atmosphere is friendly there.
B. We want to succeed in life.
C. we have a lot of opportunities to express our talents.
7 . There are a lot of things that i like about my school.
A. First of all it is the way to school.
B. There are my teachers who are always ready to help.
C. A great choice of after-school activities
8.There are a few things that i don't like about my school.
A. First of all it is a strict discipline.
B. There i don't like the system of exams. There are a lot of them.
C.There i don't like wearing the uniform. It's awful.
9. I think our school helps us to succeed in life.
A. Our teachers encourage us to work our best.
B. The teachers treat us with respect.
C. we get excellent preparation for college
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