Найдите главные члены плииз: Очень хороши тёмные сибирские кедры, стоящие там и сям на берегу
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bosleycsoiКедры хороши.
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перевод efinitions. A press joint, also called a force joint, is obtained by forcing a shaft into a hole that is slightly smaller than the shaft. This is possible because of the elasticity of the materials which produces the grip that holds the hub and shaft together.
A shrink joint differs from a press joint chiefly by the method of assembling it. The hub is heated to expand its bore and to slip it on the shaft. When the hub cools down to the temperature of the shaft, the grip is produced in the same way as in the force joint. The shrink joint is also used to connect machine parts by means of special rings, anchors, and tie rods.
In a friction joint the holding grip is produced by the conical shape of the shaft end and the hub bore and by the pull of a nut, or by a slotted hub whose bore is smaller than the shaft and which is spread by a wedge when the joint is being assembled.
II. Write out from the text the sentences with verbs in the form of the Participle or the Gerund or the Subjunctive mood.
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Did you see Michael jackson twenty-minute pop video Thriller'? He had to spend over $ 800,000 to make it, and it became very famous all over the world. Unknown singers and groups can become rich in one night when their pop videos get on the American MTV channel. The Birmingham group Duran Duran became famous only after their first video. That made all the difference. Videos became the biggest thing in the pop music world in the 1960s. British record companies are now spending more than £12 million a year on videos of new records. With these videos, singers and groups get on TV. People can also buy these videos in shops. These two things make singers and groupd famous. they can't become famous if they don't make a good video. Record companies send Jools Holland, the director of a British TV pop music program, ehundreds of videos every year. " I must say that most pop singers are very bad actors" says jools, "but they don't look bad when record companies spend thousands of pounds on these videos. We've got some excellent film directors in Britain . Their videos are very good-much better than the American ones. " Jools Holland gets all kinds of videos: some cost more than £ 50.000 for three minutes or film; others, from new grours cost £5000 or less.Предмет:
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