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-- I think is it impotant to go to a school suitable for you. If you are 1)... fantastic athlete and love PE, you should go to 2)... school with 3)... big stadium and 4)... good sports facilities. And if like me, you love to write you should be at 5)... school with 6)... big library and 7)... good English department. It is important to be in 8)... right school so you can succeed.
-- Last year I didn't get into 9)... church school I wanted to go to and my mum started teaching me at 10)... home. My mum didn't like any of 11)... local schools. I know other children who could not get into 12)... school they wanted.
-- When I was in Year 8, I was upset because I didn't get to 13)... same school as my best friend. But now I'm in Year 9 and I have made 14)... lot of friends, so sometimes it can be good going to 15)... school you didn't really want to go to.
-- I really care what school I go to. After all, 16)... kind of education you get influences your life. I want to be 17)... biologist and I want to go to 18)... university
Английский языкАвтор:
frankie-- I think is it impotant to go to a school suitable for you. If you are a fantastic athlete and love PE, you should go to school with a big stadium and good sports facilities. And if like me, you love to write you should be at school with a big library and . good English department. It is important to be in the right school so you can succeed.-- Last year I didn't get into church school I wanted to go to and my mum started teaching me at home. My mum didn't like any of the local schools. I know other children who could not get into school they wanted.-- When I was in Year 8, I was upset because I didn't get to the same school as my best friend. But now I'm in Year 9 and I have made a lot of friends, so sometimes it can be good going to school you didn't really want to go to.-- I really care what school I go to. After all, the kind of education you get influences your life. I want to be a . biologist and I want to go to university
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