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facundogardnerRussia! One only the name of my country sounds is proud and is powerful, and all thanking not to the pokorimy people and great victories. Russia as soul of the Russian person, generous, wise, the strong is wide. About Russia poets and writers, told about beauty of the nature, about immense open spaces, about how singing of birds in a small village is good to wake up under morning in the works. About magnificent winter in the remote places, not touched white snow, trees are covered with hoarfrost, around the white is white, as in the fairy tale … And there is a wish to quit in valenoks on a porch in frost from a mountain ash to break the red berry covered with thin ice and with pleasure to suppose it to itself in a mouth where it slowly with frost will thaw … Our strong country! In numerous fights force and bravery of Russian war, as dedication, and spirit repeatedly was confirmed! Our fellow countrymen perished in the war and were proud of that perished for the homeland in fight. All is a basis, the base of the great past of my homeland; victories, gains, opening, inventions. Who has a past, that has future! I believe that in the future all Slavs will integrate again and will be as before together. Together to pass through difficulty, to taste Victoria's taste, bitterness of defeat, but defeat not to omit a hand but only again to appear with more furious force and to sweep away everything on the way that there was no Russia equal in all this world. I am proud of that is born and I live in Russia!
eugeneghwtДобавить свой ответ
плииз задача я 4 класс
Першого дня мікроавтобусом було завезено у книгарню 627пачок з книгами, а другого- 285 пачок.
Першого дня було зроблено на 6 рейсів бульше, ніж другого.Скільки рейсів було зроблено першого дня і скільки-другого?
1) упростите выражение (1-2х)(4х²+1)+8х³
2) разложить на множители выражение 8х²-8у²=
3х-3у+х ²у-ху²=
36х ³-х=
3) Решить уравнение: х(х-2)(х+1)=х ²(х-1)
5х ³-20х=0
чему равна разность наибольшего и маименьшего натуральных чисел,при которых выполняется неравенство:2<65-7x<58