Turn Passive to Active 1)He was hit by a falling brick 2)She was employed by an international company 3)This essay was written by Linda 4)The burglar might have been areested 5)He has bben sent a parcel 6)Ben was seen to leave 7)Tge kidnappers are known to have legt the country 8)The exhibition will be opened by the mayor 9)It is hoped that the economy wil improve
Английский языкАвтор:
jane941. A falling brick hit him.
2. An international company employed her.
3. Linda wrote this essay.
4. They ought to arrest the bulgar.
5. They sent a parcel to him
6. They saw Ben leaving
7. The kidnappers have left the country
8. The mayor will open the exhibition
9. We hoped that the economy would improve
addisonatbi1) A falling brick hit him.
2) An international company employed her.
3) Linda wrote this essay.
4) They ought to arrest the bulgar.
5) They sent a parcel to him.
6) They saw Ben leaving.
7) The kidnappers have left the country.
8) The mayor will open the exhibition.
9) We hoped that the economy would improve.
bambimurphyДобавить свой ответ
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