Pastimes 1) In Russia winter sports are very popular, aren't they? - разделительный2) Are there many competitions and events to watch or take part in all over the Russian Federation? - общий 3) Spotlight on Russia takes a look at the Festival of the North, doesn't it? - разделительный4) The Festival of the North is an annual sports and cultural event in March and April, isn't it? - разделительный5) Does it take place in the town and the surrounding region of Murmansk or Krasnodar? - альтернативный6) Does it include about 20 or 25 different winter sports? - альтернативный 7) Is the festival held to celebrate the coming of spring? - общий 8) In this region in the winter there is a time when the sun doesn’t shine at all, isn't there? - разделительный9) Is this called Polar Night or Day? - альтернативный 10) Is there total darkness for two months? - общий11) It's no surprise that spring is celebrated with a big festival of sports and feasting, singing and dancing over a period of ten days, is it? - разделительный 12) When was this festival first held? - специальный13) About 1200 people compete in this each year, don't they? - разделительный14) Is there even an underwater swimming competition in the freezing cold waters of Lake Semyonovskoye? - общий15) Who comes to the festival to compete? - специальный16) Does the Russian cross-country skiing team always or seldom take part? - альтернативный17) Can sports fans watch all the outdoor events for free? - общий18) How much do participants have to pay to take part in the skiing marathon? - специальный19) Who has to pay a small fee of 300 rubles to take part in the skiing marathon? - специальный20) Is it very cold or hot for participants? - альтернативный21) For what do participants have to pay a small fee of 300 rubles? - специальный