Present Simple+I,we,they,you cutHe ,she,it cuts-I,we,they,you don’t cutHe,she ,it doesn’t cut?Do we,they,I,you cutDoes she,he,it cut Past Simple +I,we,they,you,he,she ,it cut-I,we,they,you,he,she,it didn't cutDid I,we,they,you,he,she cut? Future Simple +I,we,they,you,he,she,it will cut-I,we,they,you,he,she ,it will not/won't cut? Will you,he,she,it,they,we cutPresent continuous +I am cutting He,she,it is cutting We,they,you are cutting -I am not cutting He,she,it isn't cutting We,they,you aren’t cutting ? Am I cutting Is he,she,it cutting Are we,they,you cutting Past continuous + I ,he,she,it was cutting We,they,you were cutting -He,she,it wasn't cutting We,they,you weren’t cutting ? Was he,she,I,it cutting ? Were they,you,we cutting Future Continuous +I,we,they,you,he,she,it will be cutting -I,we,they,you,he,she ,it won’t be cutting ?Will you,I,they,we,he,she,it be cutting ?Present perfect +She,he,it has cutI,we,they,you have cut-He,she,it hasn't cutWe,I,they,you haven’t cut? Has he,she,it cutHave I,you,we ,they cutPast perfect +I,we,they,you,he,she,it had cut-We,I,he,she,it,they,you hadn't cut? Had we,you,he,she,it,they,I cut? Future Perfect+I,we,they,you,he,she,it will have cut-I,we,they,you,he,she,it will not /won’t have cut?Will I,we,they,you,he,she,it have cut