1*.Form nouns using suffixes -ness, -ity / -ty, -er / -or from these words, translate them.
Hard, effective, soft, thick, sharp, similar, regular, to sell, to buy, to create, to manage.
2.Translate the following derivative adverbs: adjective + -ly -> adverb
usual — usually, quick — quickly, serious — seriously, easy — easily, main — mainly, complete — completely, high — highly.
3*.Complete the sentences, using the adjectives and adverbs formed from the words in italics with the help of suffixes -ness, -ity / -ty, -or / -er, -ly.
People who travel a lot are calledness ____.
Robin Hood is very popular all over the world. You can explain his___by the fact that people love heroes who help the poor.
The population in the area is very dense. The___of the population in the area is high.
His reaction is rather slow. He thinks and acts___.
I like to design something new. I want to become a___.
I do not think your idea is effective. Can you prove its___?
Tigers are quick animals. They run very___.
It is dark outside. Are you afraid of___?
4.Translate the following derivative adjectives:
verb + -able —» adjective
measure — measurable, consider — considerable, rely — reliable, drink — drinkable, eat — eatable;
noun + -ous —> adjective
right — righteous, mystery — mysterious, space — spacious, hazard — hazardous.
5*.Form adjectives from these words using suffixes -able, -ous, translate:
to accept, to enjoy, danger, to adapt, to read, anonym, to value, to consume, to change, to understand, fame.
6*.Complete the sentences with the help of the adjectives formed from the words in italics using suffixes -able, -ous.
1. If you cannot eat something, it is not __________.
2. He is not afraid of any danger. He is fond of __________ situations.
3. I cannot read this book. It is not __________.
4. Everybody can rely upon him. He is a __________ person.
5. This castle has many mysteries. This__________ atmosphere attracts tourists.
6. There is much space here. I like __________ rooms.
7.Translate the following negative adjectives. Pay attention to the negative prefixes of the adjectives:
safe — unsafe, stable — unstable, happy — unhappy, pleasant — unpleasant, familiar — unfamiliar, certain — uncertain, real — unreal;
numerable — innumerable, expensive — inexpensive, visible — invisible, dependent — independent, different — indifferent, direct — indirect;
possible — impossible, polite — impolite, perfect — imperfect, practical — impractical, mortal — immortal; regular — irregular, relevant — irrelevant, rational — irrational, responsible — irresponsible, resistible — irresistible;
legal — illegal, liberal — illiberal, literate — illiterate, logical — illogical; honest — dishonest, able — disable, obedient — disobedient.
8* . Complete the sentences making adjectives in brackets negative.
This is a very_________ phenomenon (natural).
I do not know this formula. It is_________ to me (known).
This holiday is_________ among students (popular).
The results of their experiment were _________ (accurate).
The construction of such building is_________ (possible).
I think your idea is _________ (rational).
This device has_________ advantages (numerable).
The law considers video pirating _________ (legal).
I did not like the party. The atmosphere was _________ (pleasant).
Английский языкАвтор:
Лейла Цыган1*
Hardness, effectivity, softer, thickness, sharpor, similarness, regularity, to seller, to buyness, to creater, to manager.
обычное - обычно, быстрое - быстро, серьезное - серьезно, легкое - легко, основное - в основном, полное - полностью, высокое - высоко.
People who travel a lot are called a traveler.
Robin Hood is very popular all over the world. You can explain this by saying that people love heroes who help the poor.
The population in this area is very dense. The population in the area is high.
His reaction is rather slow. He thinks and acts slowly.
I like to create something new. I want to be a designer.
I don't think your idea is effective. Can you prove it with action?
Tigers are fast animals. They run very fast.
It is dark outside. Are you afraid of the dark?
мера - измеримая, рассмотренная - значительная, надежная - надежная, питьевой - пригодный для питья, есть - съедобный;
справа - праведный, загадочный - загадочный, космос - просторный, азартный - опасный.
acceptable, enjous, dangerous, adaptable, readable, anonymouslous, appreciatable, consumeous, changable, understandable, glorous.
приемлемый, завистливый, опасный, адаптируемый, читаемый, анонимный, ценный, потребляющий, изменчивый, понятный, великолепный.
1. If you cannot eat something, it is inedible.
2. He is not afraid of any danger. He loves dangerous situations.
3. I cannot read this book. Not interested.
4. Everyone can rely on him. He is a responsible person.
5. This castle has many mysteries. This mysterious atmosphere attracts tourists.
6. There is a lot of space here. I like spacious
безопасный - небезопасный, стабильный - нестабильный, счастливый - несчастный, приятный - неприятный, знакомый - незнакомый, определенный - неуверенный, реальный - нереальный;
числовой - бесчисленный, дорогой - недорогой, видимый - невидимый, зависимый - независимый, разный - безразличный, прямой - косвенный;
возможное - невозможное, вежливое - невежливое, совершенное - несовершенное, практичное - непрактичное, смертное - бессмертное; регулярный - нерегулярный, актуальный - несущественный, рациональный - иррациональный, ответственный - безответственный, устойчивый - неотразимый;
легальный - незаконный, либеральный - нелиберальный, грамотный - неграмотный, логический - нелогичный; честный - нечестный, способный - отключенный, послушный - непослушный.
This is a very unnatural phenomenon.
I don't know this formula. I don't know.
This holiday is unpopular with students.
The results of their experiment were inaccurate.
The construction of such a building is impossible.
I think your idea is irrational.
This device has no numerical advantages.
The law makes it illegal for videos to be pirated.
I didn't like the party. The atmosphere was unpleasant.
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