аноним1) -5 * 2 8/15 = -5 * (2 * 15 + 8)/15 = -5 * (30 + 8)/15 = -5 * 38/15 = -38/3;
Ответ: -38/3.
2) 12 * 0,05 - 7 = 12 * 5/100 - 7 = 12/20 - 7 = 6/10 - 70/10 = (6 - 70)/10 = -64/10 = -6,4.
Ответ: -6,4.
3) 3 - 1,5 * (-1/3) = 3 + 15/10 * 1/3 = 3 + 3/2 * 1/3 = 3 + 1/2 = 6/2 + 1/2 = 7/2.
Ответ: 7/2.
4) (2 * (-1) - 1/3)/(-1 - 3 * 1/3) = (-6/3 - 1/3)/(- 1 - 1) = (7/3)/1 = 7/3.
Ответ: 7/3.
beansvgqhДобавить свой ответ
1*.Form nouns using suffixes -ness, -ity / -ty, -er / -or from these words, translate them.
Hard, effective, soft, thick, sharp, similar, regular, to sell, to buy, to create, to manage.
2.Translate the following derivative adverbs: adjective + -ly -> adverb
usual — usually, quick — quickly, serious — seriously, easy — easily, main — mainly, complete — completely, high — highly.
3*.Complete the sentences, using the adjectives and adverbs formed from the words in italics with the help of suffixes -ness, -ity / -ty, -or / -er, -ly.
People who travel a lot are calledness ____.
Robin Hood is very popular all over the world. You can explain his___by the fact that people love heroes who help the poor.
The population in the area is very dense. The___of the population in the area is high.
His reaction is rather slow. He thinks and acts___.
I like to design something new. I want to become a___.
I do not think your idea is effective. Can you prove its___?
Tigers are quick animals. They run very___.
It is dark outside. Are you afraid of___?
4.Translate the following derivative adjectives:
verb + -able —» adjective
measure — measurable, consider — considerable, rely — reliable, drink — drinkable, eat — eatable;
noun + -ous —> adjective
right — righteous, mystery — mysterious, space — spacious, hazard — hazardous.
5*.Form adjectives from these words using suffixes -able, -ous, translate:
to accept, to enjoy, danger, to adapt, to read, anonym, to value, to consume, to change, to understand, fame.
6*.Complete the sentences with the help of the adjectives formed from the words in italics using suffixes -able, -ous.
1. If you cannot eat something, it is not __________.
2. He is not afraid of any danger. He is fond of __________ situations.
3. I cannot read this book. It is not __________.
4. Everybody can rely upon him. He is a __________ person.
5. This castle has many mysteries. This__________ atmosphere attracts tourists.
6. There is much space here. I like __________ rooms.
7.Translate the following negative adjectives. Pay attention to the negative prefixes of the adjectives:
safe — unsafe, stable — unstable, happy — unhappy, pleasant — unpleasant, familiar — unfamiliar, certain — uncertain, real — unreal;
numerable — innumerable, expensive — inexpensive, visible — invisible, dependent — independent, different — indifferent, direct — indirect;
possible — impossible, polite — impolite, perfect — imperfect, practical — impractical, mortal — immortal; regular — irregular, relevant — irrelevant, rational — irrational, responsible — irresponsible, resistible — irresistible;
legal — illegal, liberal — illiberal, literate — illiterate, logical — illogical; honest — dishonest, able — disable, obedient — disobedient.
8* . Complete the sentences making adjectives in brackets negative.
This is a very_________ phenomenon (natural).
I do not know this formula. It is_________ to me (known).
This holiday is_________ among students (popular).
The results of their experiment were _________ (accurate).
The construction of such building is_________ (possible).
I think your idea is _________ (rational).
This device has_________ advantages (numerable).
The law considers video pirating _________ (legal).
I did not like the party. The atmosphere was _________ (pleasant).
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