Плиизз помогите с английским лэнгвиджом
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. If the sentence is correct, write OK. Rewrite the sentences into direct speech.
1. Pamela wanted to know why are the children crying.
2. She wondered if he had been playing when his teacher had come.
3. My son asked when breakfast will be ready.
4. His mother wanted to know if will he have done his homework by the time she got back.
5. Fred didn’t know how many people would be at the concert.
Английский языкАвтор:
Vefilвот ответы на 1 вопрос из интернет урока, и следом идёт тот который ты задавала или задавал
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Плииззз помогите с инглиш мовой!
Write these sentences in indirect speech.
1. Rachel asks, “Dad, may I invite my schoolmates to my birthday party?”
2. “My sister is working in a photo studio, but she doesn’t like her job,” Bob said.
3. My mother says, “You are not attentive enough.”
4. Megan said to me, “I’m terribly sorry I forgot to text you yesterday.”
5. They said, “We’ve never tasted Indian food.”
6. “Why are those people listening to our conversation?” I wondered.
7. “You mustn’t take my laptop without asking,” my husband said.
8. “I had an argument with my wife so I had to apologise,” Richard complained.
9. “I won’t wait for him if he is late,” Kate warned.
10. “I’m going to visit my aunt this month,” he said.
Английский языкАвтор:
Плиизз помогите с english мовой!
Write the missing words and phrases in the sentences below. Choose from the following words in the box.
culture vulture
party animal
coach potato
bungee jumping
1. My brother offered to go _____________________ and look at the fish.
2. She has the heart of a lion to go _____________________.
3. If you had a stressful day, then you need to _____________________ and do yoga.
4. I’m such a _____________________ on weekends! I don't want to go out anywhere.
5. He is a real _____________________; he never misses a new exhibition!
6. Stop being a _____________________! You need to think about your future.
7. To really see results, you have to do a light _____________________ every morning.
8. My father is hopeless at _____________________. He can't even hammer a nail.
9. She’s good at _____________________; she takes yarn with her everywhere.
My grandpa used to collect postage _____________________. He had a valuable collection
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