• D. Complete the dialogues with the bare or full infinitive or the-ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Darren Hi, Barry What's up? Barry Not much. Darren How's the band going? Barry Well, we've stopped Darren Why is that? Barry My parents don't let us (2) (3) 2. Steve Darren Barry You reckon? Darren Yeah. They always like (6) Barry Great. Would you like (7) Darren Sure Could you (8) Barry OK. (0 for the moment. Steve somewhere else to practise. How about (5) Steve (10) George Sure. I love (11) Steve Hey, some friends of mine are planning (9) George in the morning?! No way. I hate (13) (practise) Saturday morning. Are you interested in (come)? (listen) to us play. So, we're trying (4) George Sorry, I might (15) (go) sailing on (do) water sports. And the weather should be nice. What time? We've arranged (12) (meet) at my house at half past five (ask) the youth centre? the weekend. But we need (14) early so we can get the most out of the day. (help) young people, especially talented ones. (go) over there now and ask? (get) my jacket for me? It's right behind you. (wake) up early at (play) at my house any more. They can't stand (find) (start) (join) you if you leave a bit later. But half past five is too early. OK, maybe another time

Ответы 1

  • Darren Hi, Barry What's up?

    Barry Not much.

    Darren How's the band going?

    Barry Well, we've stopped (1) playing (play).

    Darren Why is that?

    Barry My parents don't let us (2) practise (practise) at my house any more. They can't stand (3) listening (listen) to us play. So, we're trying (4) to find (find) somewhere else to practise.

    Darren You reckon?

    Barry Yeah. They always like (6) listening (listen) to us play at my house. How about (5) asking (ask) the youth centre?

    Darren Great. Would you like (7) me to help (help) you ask?

    Barry Sure Could you (8) go (go) over there now and ask?

    Darren OK.

    Steve Hey, some friends of mine are planning (9) to go (go) sailing on Saturday morning. Are you interested in (10) joining (join)?

    George Sorry, I might (15) go (go) sailing on Saturday morning?! No way. I hate (13) doing (do) water sports. And the weather should be nice. What time?

    Steve We've arranged (12) to meet (meet) at my house at half past five in the morning. But we need (14) to start (start) early so we can get the most out of the day.

    George OK, maybe another time. I love (11) helping (help) young people, especially talented ones. But half past five is too early.

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