4. Write the sentences in your exercise-book. 1. the living-room / there's / in / a sofa /. 2. in / isn't / the kitchen / there / a mirror /. 3. the bedroom / there / in / are / beds / two II 4. are / wardrobes / the hall / there / in / two /. 5. a lamp / there / is / room / your / in /? 6. any / aren't / cupboards / in / there / the hall /.
Английский языкАвтор:
louisgtwg1/ there is a sofa in the living-room
2 there is not a mirror in the kitchen
3 there are two beds in the bedroom
4 there are two wardrobes in the hall
5 is there a lamp in your room ?
6 there are not any cupboards in the hall
ray931.There is a sofa in the living-room.
2. There isn't a mirror in the kitchen.
3.There are two beds in the bedroom
4.There are two wardrobes in the hall .
5.Is there a lamp in your room ?
6. There aren't any cupboards in the hall.
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тело массой 1кг, подвешенное на пружине, колебаться из стороны в сторону с периодом колебаний, равным 1с. с каким периодом будет колебаться тело массой 4кг, подвешенное на той же пружине?