Ответьте на вопросы (на английском языке) :
• Do you like watching films?
• Is watching a film more interesting than reading a book?
• What films made you laugh a lot?
• What films made you cry?
• What films sent you to sleep?
• What films made you feel good?
• What films made you buy the soundtrack?
• Is there a big difference watching a film
on video at home and in the cinema?
• Do you like science fiction films? Why (Why not)?
• Have you ever watched a horror film alone?
• Do you know the popular American expressions for 'film' and 'cinema'?
• Who is your favourite actor and favourite actress? Why?
• What is the best film you have ever seen? Who was in it? Who was it directed by?
• When were you last in the cinema? Was the film thrilling, exciting, scary, humorous, funny, gripping? Did you enjoy it?
• Have you ever watched the same film more than twice? Why?
• What do you think the success of a film depends on?
• What is your favourite genre (action films, romances, comedies, thrillers, westerns, adventure films, horror films, cartoons, science fiction films, animated films, etc.)?
Английский языкАвтор:
finneganbaxter*Do you like watching films?- Yes. I do. I like watching films very much.• Is watching a film more interesting than reading a book?- Somethimes watching a film is more interesting for me- when I go to the cinema with my friends to see 3 D film.• What films made you laugh a lot?- Of course I like comedy films and cartoons and they make me laugh a lot.• What films made you cry?- Thrillers and horrors make me cry• What films sent you to sleep?- Only love stories send me to sleep• What films made you feel good?- It may be different optimistic films or films about historical events and heroes• What films made you buy the soundtrack?- Sometimes I buyCD after watching a film but it depends only on music not a film• Is there a big difference watching a film on video at home and in the cinema?- There is a big difference watching a film on video at home and in the cinema. I prefer to watch films in the movie• Do you like science fiction films? Why (Why not)?- I like science fiction films because I think it may be our future.Besides. I like to imagine it and compare with events in the film.
• Have you ever watched a horror film alone?- Yes. I had such an experience iT WAS HORROBLE!!• Do you know the popular American expressions for 'film' and 'cinema'? " mOVIE" and "picture" are popular American expressions for 'film' and 'cinema'• Who is your favourite actor and favourite actress? Why?- I like Angelina Jollie and Brad Pit. I think they are very talented actors.• What is the best film you have ever seen? Who was in it? Who was it directed by?- "Сaribbean Sea pirates"is the best film I have ever seen. Jonny Depp had the main role in it. It*s a pity but I don*t remember the name of its director.
• When were you last in the cinema? Was the film thrilling, exciting, scary, humorous, funny, gripping? Did you enjoy it?- Last Sunday I was in the cinema. I saw "Travelling 2" . This film is connected with Jul Vern*s book "Captain Nemo", It was an exciting adventure film with elements of fantastics and beautiful landscapes. I liked it very much.• Have you ever watched the same film more than twice? Why?- Yes. I saw some films not twice but 8 or 10 times. I know a lot of phrases. all heroes but every time I see it as if it is the first time!• What do you think the success of a film depends on?- I think the success of a film depends on script. acrtesses and actors, film*s budget. director. producer and many other things.
*What is your favourite genre (action films, romances, comedies, thrillers, westerns, adventure films, horror films, cartoons, science fiction films, animated films, etc.)?-
As for me I like to watch all films with good subject. I donn*t like to see westerns.
blake7Добавить свой ответ
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