Відповідь:Харчова поведінка – поведінкові дії, спрямовані на пошук їжі, її захоплення та утримання здобичі. Дослідницька поведінка є обов'язковою частиною поведінки тварин. Захисна поведінка – дії тварини, спрямовані на уникнення небезпеки. Гігієнічна поведінка забезпечує підтримання чистоти тіла тварин.
Пояснення: помоги пж
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Task 1 (20 points).
Read the description and match it with the profession. Write your answers in the table.
1. A person employed by a newspaper, a television station, etc. to report on a particular subject or send reports from a foreign country
a) A bookseller
2. A person who checks and makes changes to texts, especially for a newspaper, in order to prepare them to be published
b) A publisher
3. A person who ensures that dress, scenery, etc. is identical from scene to scene
c) A librarian
4. An organization that publishes texts or music
d) A correspondent
5. A person who works in a library
e) An editor
6. A person or company that sells books
f) A cameraman
7. A person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a newspaper, magazine, or multi-author book
g) A critic
8. A person who operates a camera when films or television programmes are being made
h) A columnist
9. Someone who writes a regular article for a newspaper or magazine
i) A continuity person
10. Someone whose job is to give their opinion about something, especially films, books, music, etc.
j) A sub-editor
Task 2 (20 points).
Choose the correct option. Then write your own sentence with the word you have chosen.
Task 3 (20 points).
Write the answers to the following questions. Use your own ideas. Write full answers and use the topic vocabulary.
Task 4 (20 points).
Read these sentences and choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps.
1. It was 9 p.m. Sam __________ go home.
a) had to;
b) must.
2. You __________ press the button to open this window.
a) had to;
b) must.
3. Tourists haven't eaten for a few hours, so they __________ be hungry.
a) must;
b) can.
4. Alex is 20 minutes late, there __________ be something wrong.
a) must;
b) can.
5. John's brother is 6 years old but he __________ write and count.
a) must;
b) can.
6. Daniel __________ speak Chinese, but maybe he'll learn it someday.
a) couldn't;
b) can't.
7. Nobody __________ tell me what was wrong.
a) could;
b) couldn't.
8. Ann earns a lot of money. She __________ buy whatever she wants.
a) can;
b) is able to.
9. Will James __________ solve this problem?
a) can;
b) be able to.
10. I've lost my key! I __________ get inside the flat!
a) am not able to;
b) can't.
Task 5 (20 points).
Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs.
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