Great Britain is a big island in the Northern part of Atlantic ocean. United Kingdom is a country which is located at Great Britain island and at a part of Ireland. United Kingdom consists of Scotland in the North, Wels in the West and England in the South. Northern Ireland is the part of UK located at the Ireland island. The political regime of UK is called constitutional monarchy. A monarch participates only in public life. All political decisions are being made by prime minister and parliament. It is hard to overestimate the historical impact of English culture on modern historical processes. Few centuries ago Great Britain was the most powerful empire in the world. Its territories stretched for thousands of miles in all directions including American continents, India, Africa and etc. United Kingdom may called a motherland of technical progress and revolution which took place about three hundred years ago. United Kingdom is a popular place for tourism. It has a lot of different historical and cultural places of big value and interest.London is the capital of UK. This is one of the biggest cities in the world. People of different nations live and work there. In London you are able to get acquainted with any type of culture that can be met on our planet.