• III. Fill in one missing word (вставьте необходимое по содержанию одно слово: артикль, предлог, существительное и т.д.).

Ответы 1

  • 1. Do you speak English or Ukranian to your teacher? 2. How often do you go to the cinema? 3. How well does your friend speak English? 4. Is she always in time for her lesson? 5. Do you live far from the university? 6. My sister works hard at her French. 7. This film lasts about two hours. 8. I prefer to stay at home in the evening. 9. He went to bed at once after supper. 10. My mom does all housework. 11. We spent Sunday in the country. 12. Yesterday it was my day off. I went shopping and meet my friend at the café. 13. Have you got a large family? 14. People don\'t send a lot of telegrams nowadays. 15. Please, give me some chalk. 16. Do you learn any foreign languages? 17. When did your sister graduated from the university? 18. He\'s got a wife and two sons. 19. Does she know the news? - No. I didn\'t tell her about it yesterday. 20. I don\'t make mistakes very often.
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