• Задания на Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous 1) I ____________(to be) to their concert twice.

Ответы 1

  • 1) I have been to their concert twice. Their music is amazing. 2) My friend is a painter. He painted his last picture for six. 3) The weather is wonderful, so she woke up in good mood in the morning. 4) What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen? 5) Why are you so tired? - I worked all this time. 6) The woman bought a dress and a pair of shoes at the market. 7) My wallet is empty. Somebody stole all my money. 8) Hi, Mark! I haven\'t seen you for ages.

    #2 не указан временной отрезок  hours, days or weeks. Если бы он был указан, то  He has been painted his last picture. Но есть еще и стойкое выражение \"for six\" выбивать из колеи, быть измотанным каким-то делом.

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