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аноним(20) После четвёртого урока всех отпустили, и мальчишки с гиком и воем рванулись вон из школы, оставив этих троих без внимания в пустом классе, уставленном пёстрыми астрами (обособленное определение, выраженное причастным оборотом).
(21) Миха подробно рассказал, как утром, по дороге в школу, вытащил бедолагу-котёнка почти из самой пасти собаки, собиравшейся его загрызть (обособленное определение, выраженное причастным оборотом).
Причастный оборот очень просто определить в тексте - достаточно найти часть речи, которая отвечает на вопросы \"какой\" и \"что сделанный\" (одновременно на оба) и найти зависимые от нее слова.
Кроме того, причастные обороты всегда уточняют внешнее проявление, описывают, то есть, являются определениями.
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5 Choose the correct answer. 1 I never swim in April. The water is freezing / frozen! 2 I’d take my sunglasses if I were you. It’s really bright / light out. 3 Nothing to worry about when you’re travelling. Just light / soft showers. 4 I am going to pull the car over. I can’t see anything through this thick / heavy rain. 5 I hope your father doesn’t go sailing today. The winds are very force / strong today. 6 You call this cold? Back home in Moscow it is 25°C under / below zero.
8 Choose the correct answer. 1 If they _____ polluted the river, there would be more fish in it.
a hadn’t b wasn’t c isn’t
2 The farmers’ crops _____ have grown if it hadn’t rained in spring.
a won’t b would c wouldn’t
3 Their voyage _____ a lot smoother if the weather had been calmer.
a would be b would have been c wouldn’t have been
4 If they had been careful with their cigarettes, they _____ the forest fire.
a can prevented b could prevented c could have prevented
5 If the sun _____so strong, I wouldn’t have had to sit in the shade.
a wasn’t b hadn’t been c had been
9 Make third conditional sentences about these situations. 1 There were so many people smoking and the room was smoky. If there hadn’t been ________________________________________________. 2 There were no bicycle lanes, so people didn’t ride their bikes to work. If there had been __________________________________________________. 3 The weather got so bad and I couldn’t go sailing. If the weather hadn’t _______________________________________________. 4 They reacted quickly and were able to save the whale. If they __________________________________________________________. 5 We didn’t prevent hunters from shooting eagles and they became endangered. If we ________
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