gonzaleztg=sin a/cos a= (1/2)/(-1/2)=-1
BLAZERТупой здесь это ты сын блядины
alexeypodmazkoДобавить свой ответ
I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future) в действительном залоге. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.
1) The high-speed railway line connects Paris and London.
2) The Cherepanovs constructed the first steam locomotive in Russia.
3) The workers laid down the railway line ahead of time.
4) The new railway track will carry a greater volume of freight.
5) We shall use the new engine demonstrated by this engineer last month.
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future) в страдательном залоге. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременные формы.
1) We can expect that more high-speed railway lines will be built in the near future.
2) Rails are rolled in rolling mills.
3) Long-welded rails are used on main tracks.
4) Rails are affected by temperature changes.
5) The first steam trains were looked at with great interest.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения, поставив глагол в нужную форму.
1) A large number of cars to park - Past Indefinite Passive) near the railway station.
2) The speed of Metro trains (to reach - Present Indefinite Active) 90 km/h.
3) This railway company (to transport - Future Indefinite Active) freight only.
4) Wood (to replace - Past Indefinite Passive) by steel as a material for constructing passenger cars.
5) The windows of this car (to make - Present Indefinite Passive) of unbreakable glass.
IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление оборота there + to be.
1) There will be extra commuter trains at the next weekends.
2) There are three colour-light signals.
3) There is a great difference between manual and automatic signalling.
4) There were no signalling systems on the early railways.
5) There are several ways of indicating signals.
V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление окончания -s.
1) The trains run between these towns regularly.
2) All railroads are divided into divisions.
3) The locomotive engineer plays the dominant part in the maintenance of locomotives.
4) London's underground was opened in 1863.
5) The Trans-Siberian railway carries a large volume of traffic.
VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях. Подчеркните прилагательные в английских предложениях и укажите степень сравнения.
1) We shall operate more powerful locomotives and have more comfortable cars in the future.
2) Greater speeds will be developed by diesel and electric locomotives.
3) Our country has the largest system in the world.
4) The gauge on Russian railways is wider than that in the European countries.
5) The ballast is the most important element of the track.
VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, употребив прилагательные, данные в скобках, в сравнительной или превосходной степени.
1) Welding rails together is made for (quiet) ride of passenger trains.
2) On curves the outer rail may be at (high) level than the inner rail.
3) Electric locomotives have (little) harmful effect on the atmosphere compared with diesel ones.
4) Long-welded rails have (long) service life.
5) Concrete sleepers have (long) life and (great) weight than those made of wood.
VIII. Перепишите предложения. Задайте общие вопросы и специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
1) On rainy days ballast lets the water drain away quickly.
2) The switch makes the trains pass from one track to another.
3) The length of rails varies greatly in different countries.
4) The train developed high speeds on some sections of the railway.
5) Russia has a dense railway network.
IX. Перепишите и переведите текст.
The Elements of the Track
The track is often called the permanent way. It consists of rails, ties and ballast. The distance between the rails is called the gauge. The place where the ends of the rails meet in the track is known as the rail joint. The rail joint has always been the weakest part of the track for nearly all the rails wear out at the ends.
Some railroads have two or more tracks. In order to make the trains pass from one track to another the railroads must have a switch which is a very important element of the track.
The rails differ greatly in weight according to the kind of traffic which they are to carry when placed in the track. The largest and heaviest rails are laid in the main-line tracks because they have to carry the largest volume of traffic.
The ties on most tracks were almost all of wood and in order to make them last longer they were treated with creosote.
The ties are not laid upon the earth for the earth cannot support the track structure. They rest upon a bed of crushed rock or gravel, which is called ballast. Ballast supports the track structure, holds the track in position and provides needed drainage.
Х. . Ответьте на вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста.
1) What does the permanent way consist of?
2) How is the distance between the rails called?
3) What is the rail joint?
4) A switch is a very important element of the track, isn't it? Why?
5) Why do rails differ?
6) What holds the track in position?
Английский языкАвтор:
Прочитай чеченскую легенду \"Возвращение благодати\". Подготовь письменный ответ на вопросы: \"О каких семейных ценностях она повествует? Эти ценности важны для семьи любой национальности или только для народа,создавшего эту легенду? Почему?