1. They will be given much work. - Future Simple - Им дадут много работы.2. The discovery of electron was followed by new discoveries. - Past Simple - За открытием электрона последовали новые открытия.3. They were told many interesting facts about this new project. - Past Simple - Им рассказали много интересных фактов о новом проекте.4. The monitors of all groups have just been sent for. - Present Perfect - За старостами всех групп только что послали.5. This old house will have been destroyed by next week. - Future Perfect - Старый дом будет разрушен к следующей неделе.6. Everybody has been asked many questions.- Present Perfect - Всем задали много вопросов.7. Our laboratory had been provided with new equipment by 2001.- Past Perfect - Наша лаборатория была обеспечена новым оборудованием к 2001 году.8. The report was being discussed the whole evening. - Past Continuous - Доклад обсуждали весь вечер.9. This picture is often looked at.- Present Simple. - На эту картину часто смотрят.10. The prices have been influenced by inflation recently. - Present Perfect - За последнее время на цены повлияла инфляция.V1. Photography was invented photography in the 1840s.2. The Statue of Liberty was given to the American people by the French government.3. The doctor has been sent for.4. The hall are being decorated by the students.5. Films are shown at the cinema.6. The construction will have been completed by that time.7. A lecture will be delivered by her tomorrow.8. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming in 1928.9. Pictures of this monument have already been taken by tourists.10. Paper 2was invented by the Chinese.VII1. A beautiful cathedral was built in our town in the 11 century. - Красивый собор был построен в нашем городе в 11 веке.2. Canals link many rivers in Great Britain. - Каналы соединяют многие реки в Великобритании.3. The book consists of 4 parts. - Книга состоит из 4 частей.4. The students have already been given the assignment by the lecturer. - Студентам уже роздано задание преподавателем.5. They are constructing a new bridge over the river now. - Они сейчас строят новый мост через реку.6. William the Conqueror defeated King of England and built an abbey near the place of battle. Уильям Завоеватель победил Короля Англии и построил аббатство возле места битвы.7. The first Olympic games were held in Greece in 777 B.C. - Первые Олимпийские Игры Проводились в Греции В 777 веке до н.э.8. This laboratory has always been attended by the researchers. - Эта лаборатория всегда посещается исследователями.9. My favorite music is being played now. Сейчас играют мою любимую музыку.