Open the brackets. Put verbs into thе Presen Indefinite, Presen continius, Past indefinite, Future indefenite.
Английский языкАвтор:
omarsimpson1. What do you usually do after school?
b - What are you doing now?
c - What did you do after school the day before yesterday?
d- What will you do after school tomorrow?
2- Who sits on a bench under the tree every day?
b- Who is sitting on a bench under the tree now?
c-Who set on a bench under the tree an hour ago?
d-who will sit on a bench under the tree in a minute?
3 - what museums do the pupils often go to?
b- what museums are the pupils going to now?
c- what museums did the pupils go to last month?
d - what museums will the pupils go to next week?
4 - does Alic take books from the library every week?
b- Is Alic taking books from the library now?
c- did Alic take books from the library two days ago?
d - Will Alic take books from the library the day after tomorrow?
5-what does Kate usually prepare for breakfast?
b - what is Kate preparing now for breakfast?
c-what did Kate prepare for breakfast yesterday morning?
d - what will Kate prepare for breakfast tomorrow morning?
6 - Does Granny often drink medicines?
b - Is your Granny drinking medicine now?
c - did your Granny drink medicine three hours ago?
a/ What do you usually do after school?
b/ What are you doing now?
c/ What did you do after school the day before yesterday?
d/ What will you do after school tomorrow?
a/ Who sits on a bench under the tree every day?
b/ Who is sitting on a bench under the tree now?
c/ Who set on a bench under the tree an hour ago?
d/ Who will sit on a bench under the tree in a minute?
a/ What museums do the pupils often go to?
b/ What museums are the pupils going to now?
c/ What museums did the pupils go to last month?
d/ What museums will the pupils go to next week?
a/ Does Alice take books from the library every week?
b/ Is Alice taking books from the library now?
c/ Did Alice take books from the library two days ago?
d/ Will Alice take books from the library the day after tomorrow?
a/ What does Kate usually prepare for breakfast?
b/ What is Kate preparing for breakfast now?
c/ What did Kate prepare for breakfast yesterday morning?
d/ What will Kate prepare for breakfast tomorrow morning?
a/ Does Granny often drink medicines?
b/ Is your Granny drinking medicine now?
c/ Did your Granny drink medicines three hours ago?
kenleykiddДобавить свой ответ
Помагите плиз!!!!
вставьте эти слова в место пропусков предложения::1)pieces 2)sweets 3)boxes 4)run 5)is 6)cant 7)bags
he has and jam for lunch.Yesterday Billy ate two of chocolates, 15 of cake and 10 of sweets.Billy doesnt like to and jump. He swim.Billy sad.
Английский языкАвтор:
1 .Какие исходные вещества необходимы для пластического и энергетического обмена.
2.Что происходит с веществами и энергией в пластическом и энергетическом обменах.
3.В каких органойдах клетки происходит пластический и энергетический обмена.
4.Что является конечным прдуктом в пластическом и энергетическом обменах.
сплав олова и меди массой 24кг содержит 45% меди. сколько чистого олова надо добавить чтобы получить сплав содержащий 40% меди