• B. Rewrite the sentences using the words given. 1. I'm sure Barry is at home at the moment. (must) Barry 2. There is a possibility that I'll go to Paris next month. (might) 1 3. When I was young, I was able to run faster. (could) 4. I'm sure Susan isn't the robber. (can't) Susan 5. Perhaps Louise will come with me. (may) Louise 6. You don't need to wake up early tomorrow. You 7. We aren't allowed to take pictures in the museum. We (needn't) (mustn't) Срочно мне нужно сейчас сдать это да пожалуйста

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Ответы 3

  • Ответ:

    Barry must be at home at the moment.

    I might go to Paris next month.

    When I was young, I could run faster.

    Susan can't be the robber.

    Louise may come with me.

    You needn't wake up early tomorrow.

    We mustn't take pictures in the museum.

    • Автор:

    • 2 года назад
    • 4
  • Barry must be at home at the moment.

    I might go to Paris next month.

    When I was young, I could run faster.

    Susan can't be the robber.

    Louise may come with me.

    You needn't wake up early tomorrow.

    We mustn't take pictures in the museum.

    • Автор:

    • 2 года назад
    • -2
  • Barry must be at home at the moment.

    I might go to Paris next month.

    When I was young, I could run faster.

    Susan can't be the robber.

    Louise may come with me.

    You needn't wake up early tomorrow.

    We mustn't take pictures in the museum.

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